User experience is becoming increasingly important to digital marketing efforts.
User Experience Is Not Just About interface or interaction design
Its about people and technology: customization to suit the target audience and the technological interventions to create an interactive ecosystem is a must.
User Experience Is Product Focused
Its a design driven experience: While marketing makes people want things. Design is about making things that people want.
User Experience Is Inevitable, It’s All About Whether You Get To Design It
Its role is to fill gaps and correct the imbalance : The gap/imbalance between product capability and delivery, and customer expectations is typically filled by user experience modules.
User Experience Thrives On Intensive Research
Its all about qualitative design research: to understand consumer needs and their satisfaction levels with a well designed product. This is in direct contrast to marketing focused research that uses quantitative methods.
User Experience Is Connecting People and Technology
Conversations in digital media are seeing a paradigm shift: There is a rising trend of conversations happening between product and product, and product and people. The interaction between people and people is slowly but surely diminishing.
While digital marketing is like the new flavour of an ice-cream brand, user experience is its delicious topping!